MERL 官网-adapt to 鐢ㄦ硶

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adapt to 鐢ㄦ硶
发布日期:2025-01-22 13:16    点击次数:50
回答1: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 adapt[ə'dæpt tə]vt.浣块€傚簲, 鏀圭紪渚嬪瓙锛?He always adapted easily to new circumstances. 浠栨€绘槸寰堝鏄撲娇鑷繁閫傚簲鏂扮殑鐜銆?br />鍥哄畾鎼厤1.(浣?閫傚簲锛岄€傚悎锛涙敼缂栵紝鏀瑰啓adapt to (浣?閫傚簲锛岄€傚悎锛涙敼缂栵紝鏀瑰啓2.浣块€傚簲锛屼娇閫傚拰adapt to 浣块€傚簲锛屼娇閫傚拰3.閫傚簲浜?br />adapt to 閫傚簲浜?甯綘鎵句簡寰堝渚嬪瓙1. You must adapt to the norms of the society you live in. 鍦ㄧぞ浼氫腑鐢熸椿灏辫閬靛惊绀句細琛屼负鍑嗗垯. 2. The new teacher was very slow to adapt to the unusual rules of the school. 杩欎綅鏂版暀甯堝璇ユ牎杩欑鐙壒鐨勬牎瑙勯€傚簲寰堟參銆? 3. This time, it has to adapt to a new world-a world which now includes a formidable rival, Japan. 杩欎竴娆★紝瀹冮渶瑕佽兘澶熼€傚簲涓€涓柊鐨勪笘鐣?-涓€涓幇鍦ㄥ寘鎷湁鏃ユ湰杩欐牱涓€涓己鏈夊姏鐨勭珵浜夊鎵嬬殑涓栫晫銆? 4. The development of corouary atheros-elerosis reduces the capacety of the vascular bed adapt to hypoxic stress. 鍔ㄨ剦纭寲鐨勫彂灞曢檷浣庝簡琛€绠″簥閫傚簲琛€姘?/a>鍘嬪姏鐨勮兘鍔涖€? 5. To cause to adapt to social or economic change. 淇暣浣夸箣閫傚簲浜庣ぞ浼氭垨缁忔祹鍙樺寲 6. Some businessmen cannot adapt to change because they have tunnel vision. 鏈変簺鐢熸剰浜哄洜涓鸿璇嗙嫮绐?涓嶈兘椤哄簲灞€鍔跨殑鍙樺寲銆? 回答2: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 adapt vt. 浣块€傚簲锛涙敼缂杤i. 閫傚簲adapt to閫傚簲 鍚庡姞鍚嶈瘝 鏃㈠彲浠ョ敤浣滀笉鍙婄墿鍔ㄨ瘝 濡俛dapt to sth 涔熷彲浠ョ敤浣滃強鐗╁姩璇?濡俠e adapted to doing/sth鍦ㄦ甯镐綔鈥滀範鎯簬鈥濈殑鎰忔€濈瓑鍚屼簬be used to 鎴?be accustomed to渚嬪瓙 The family quickly adapted to country life杩欎釜瀹跺涵寰堝揩閫傚簲浜嗕埂鏉戠敓娲汇€?br /> Laws are adapted to general persons not to singular ones娉曚笉鏄拡瀵逛釜鍒汉鑰屾槸閽堝涓€鑸汉璁捐鐨?


